
INNOVATION Edge-based AI engine with real-time object
classification features for intelligent video solutions

AI Solution

Hitron AI Solution HASS (Hitron AI Surveillance Solution)

Edge-based AI engine
with real-time object classification

features for intelligent video solutions

Currently, AI is being utilized across various industries and is applied in many different fields.
This trend is also reflected in the CCTV security sector, where various forms of security solutions are being provided,
and the industry continues to grow steadily.

AI cameras equipped with Hitron’s AI video analysis solution (HASS) detect only the desired objects,
significantly reducing false alarms, saving storage space, and enabling more efficient monitoring solutions.

Since the cameras recognize only the objects you want to detect, they allow you to focus on key objects and
events that require attention, making monitoring even more effective.

Edge-based analysis processes and analyzes live video directly from the camera,
eliminating the need for expensive servers and offering benefits such as more efficient data processing,
minimized storage and bandwidth, and enhanced scalability.

Hitron Systems’ HASS provides a solution for
accurate perimeter detection, protection, and
efficient search/playback functionality

  • Accurate
    boundary detection

    HASS cameras can detect objects such as people, faces, cats, dogs, motorcycles, and cars.
    Edge-based analysis processes and analyzes live video directly from the camera, eliminating the need for expensive servers and offering benefits such as more efficient data processing, minimized storage and bandwidth, and enhanced scalability.
  • Efficient
    search playback

    Since metadata is stored for each object,
    Users can quickly and accurately find information through searches by channel, time, and object type while reviewing playback. This minimizes unnecessary video transmission, reducing network traffic load and contributing to cost savings in operation centers.

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